“Developing kids in our community”Skill development designed to fit your child’s needs to help grow their confidence and enjoyment of rugby.

“Developing kids in our community”

Skill development designed to fit your child’s needs to help grow their confidence and enjoyment of rugby.


During the school holidays myself and some awesome helpers will be holding rugby skill development programs based at local schools and rugby clubs throughout the Waikato. This will be available for kids, both boys and girls aged 4-13, of any experience level as the program will be tailored to suit each child’s needs. The main areas of focus for the program will be to help grow your child’s confidence and enjoyment in the sport of rugby. This will be done by providing a safe and enjoyable environment for your child to explore their interest in the sport. They will be grouped with players of similar age and experience to help them feel comfortable while also ensuring they are safe.

When dates and locations are confirmed you can book below for either one of the days or book both days at a discounted rate.

Please get in touch if you would like to host the program at your school or local rugby club.

I’m really looking forward to creating an awesome learning experience for the kids.

Dwayne Sweeney (Sweens)



I’m writing to let you know that my daughter, Sofia, loved the rugby 2-day course. She wanted to give it a try even though she’s had no experience playing rugby so we booked her in for the first day to see if she liked it. She did, and wanted to come for the second day too. At the end of the second day, she said she really enjoyed it and showed me a kick - which had vastly improved from the kicking she was doing at the start of the day. 

Your course is great for kids who have experience and for those who want to give it a try but aren’t sure about joining a team just yet. I hope you are planning to run these courses again, at Te Kowhai and other schools around the Waikato.

We were pleasantly surprised that Sofia wanted to give it a go (she’s not particularly sporty, assertive or confident) and I think this programme has helped to build up her confidence and resilience. I think your programme can do the same for a lot of other students like her so please keep it going in the Waikato.
— Rachel Wade-Swelim
Macie had a great time!
She’s going in to tackle next year and this was an awesome confidence boost.
— Lisa Pudney
Boys loved it, such a good programme for the boys to help with their skills. Will definitely be keen on your next one.
— Claire Preston
Thanks again for the last two days of coaching. Brax had an absolute ball!!! He can’t wait to play rugby next year. He would be keen to participate in other programs or training camps you do if you do any before the rugby season starts up next year.
— Netty McClennan
Thanks for the rugby training this week, it was a good introduction for my son Jake Duncan, who is now super keen to play rugby next year.
He really enjoyed the program and is registered to play touch rugby for TK school, to give him more confidence and use the skills he has learnt this week moving forward.
— Melina

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